Sunday, May 22, 2011

Benefits of Choosing Stationary, Electric Pressure Washers

Benefits of Choosing Stationary, Electric Pressure Washers
When planning to purchase a power cleaning machine, it is easy to get overwhelmed by wide selection of machines available on the market. For this reason, it is important to have a basic understanding of different versions, especially stationary models of electric pressure washers.

Due to their capability to consistently generate highly pressurized water, stationary versions of electric pressure washers are now widely used by maintenance professionals. In fact, stationary pressure cleaning systems powered by electricity are highly recommended for use in different environments such as restaurants, schools, garages, and industrial zones, where cleaning is confined to a specific area.

For extra cleaning power, you have the option of choosing heated versions of power cleaners that eject hot water or steam. Steam or hot water is a better cleaning force than cold water and thus offers considerably enhanced results. However, if you are looking for a versatile pressure cleaning machine that combines the benefits of both heated and non-heated versions, the Super Max™ series of tri-mode electric pressure washers from Daimer® is just what you need.

The Super Max™ 15500 is a stationary, power cleaning system with excellent cleaning functions. By generating pressure levels as high as 1000 psi and flow rates of 4 GPM, these electric pressure washers guarantee the outstanding cleaning efficiency you come to expect with pressure cleaners. Another factor that contributes to the cleaning power is high steam temperatures up to 330ºF.

Since the Super Max™ 15500 comes with tri-mode functions, you can use cold water, hot water or steam to clean surfaces as per the requirement. For more details on these unique electric power cleaning systems, visit